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Commercial Registration and Licensing Regulation No.461:2020
Freedom of Mass Media and Access to Information No.590:2008
Investment Regulation No.474:2020
Patent Regulation
Regulation on Investment Incentives and Inestment Areas Reserved from Domestic Investors No.270:2012
Trademark Regulation and Protection No.273:2012
Value Added Tax Proclamation No.79:2002
Advertisement Proclamation No.759:2012
Advocate's Proclamation (Amharic)
Coffee marketing and Quality Control No.1051:2017
Commercial Registration and Business Licensing Amendment No.1150:2019
Communications Service Proclamation No.1148:2019
Copyright and Neighboring Rights protection No.410:2004
Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Protection No.872:2014
Electronic Signature Proclamation No.1072:2018
Expat Regulation under Investment Proclamation
Federal Attorney General Establishment Proclamation No.943:2016
Federal Income Tax Proclamation No.979:2016
Higher Education Proclamation
Income Tax Proclamation
Insurance Business Proclamation No.746:2012
Inventions, Minor Inventions and Industrial Designs
Investment Proclamation No.1180:2020
Labour Proclamation No.377:2003
Media Proclamation No.1238:2021
Private Organization Employees Pension Amendment No.908:2015
Seed Proclamation No.782:2013
State Enterprises Proclamation Ethiopia (Amharic)
Trademark Registration No.501:2006
Turnover Tax Proclamation No.308:2002
VAT Proclamation
Amendment to Directive FXD:45:2016 Transparency in Foreign Currency Allocation and Foreign Exchange Management
Cash Withdrawal Limit
Establishment and Operation of Foreign Currency Saving Account for Residents of Ethiopia, Non-Resident Ethiopian and Non-Resident Ethiopian Origin
External Loan and Supplier's Credit Directives
Foreign Currency Intermediation by Banks
Limits on Birr and Foreign Currency Holding
Management of Unclaimed Liabilities of a Bank
Requirements for Relicensing a Microfinance Institution as a Bank
Retention Directives
Risk-Based Internal Audit
The Retention and Utilization of Export Earnings and Inward Remittances
Directives for the Registration of Construction Professionals and Contractors No.19
Directives for the Registration of Design Professionals and Consultants - No.22
SIM Card Registration Directive No.799:2021
Telecommunications Competition Directive No.798:2021
Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Directive No.796:2021
Telecommunications Infrastructure Sharing and Collocation Directive No.793:2021
Telecommunications Interconnection Directive No.791:2021
Telecommunications Lawful Tariffs Directive No.797:2021
Telecommunications Licencing Directive No.792:2021
Telecommunications Numbering Directive No.795:2021
Telecommunications Quality of Service Directive No.794:2021
Telecommunications Wholesale National Roaming Directive No.800:2021
Competition Directive (August 2020)
Lawful Tariffs Directive (August 2020)
Local Banks to Lend in Forex | Priority List for Forex Reshuffled | New Currency Notes Issued
Mobile Number Portability Directive
Reflection on the New Payment Instrument Issuers Directive
Telecommunications Infrastructure Sharing and Collocation Directive (Amharic) (ነሐሴ 2012)
Telecommunications Networks Interconnection Directive (English) (August 2020)
Universal Access and Service Framework (UASF) Draft for Consultation
Universal Access Fund (UAF) Regulation Draft for Consultation